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We live today surrounded by many stressors that have a detrimental effect on our health. Daily responsibilities, worries and problems are causing more and more people to experience neurosis, depression or anxiety. More and more people are looking for natural and effective ways to relax and bring their body and mind into balance.
Yoga improves the flexibility of the body, it also helps calm our mind. It is a form of activity suitable for beginners as well as more experienced people. It improves the performance of the body, relaxes and calms.
Combining marijuana and meditation is not a new trend. There is a long history of using cannabis for meditation, spiritual rituals and healing, dating back thousands of years. In some Hindu sects in India and Nepal, holy men consume cannabis to aid in meditation. Many secular clergy eat it during festivals and rituals. They are even believed to have been used by the Hindu god Shiva, who, according to some, gave the plant to people on earth. Cannabis use was also an important aspect of the practice of some tantric Buddhists in Tibet and the greater Himalayan region. Monks used cannabis to facilitate meditation and increase awareness of all aspects of their ceremonies. To more effectively quiet the mind and undergo total relaxation, many people combine yoga and meditation with cannabis.
Of course, as in life, we can argue whether marijuana is helpful or harmful when it comes to meditation. Proponents of such a combination point to its history of use for meditation. They claim that marijuana makes them more attentive, calm and aware. Some attribute marijuana's more profound opening of heart and mind to yoga practice. This allows for a more intensive, meditative journey.
Opponents, on the other hand, claim that it takes away the ability to concentrate, distracts the mind and separates it from real experience. They also worry that regular use of cannabis for meditation can become addicted to the illusion of relaxation and calm created by cannabis - instead of helping build resilience to everyday reality.
So, does marijuana help or hurt the practice of meditation? The question remains open and controversial. I think the best answer is that it may be beneficial for some and completely inadvisable for others. With help comes science that can help answer this question and explain when cannabis improves and when it hinders the practice of yoga and meditation.
Reasons why marijuana can help with meditation:
In today's world, many use meditation to improve their health, reduce stress, achieve emotional balance and strengthen the immune system.
But for some people, starting meditation can be difficult. In some cases, it can cause re-experiencing the trauma or intense panic attacks. For such people, cannabis can be very helpful. Many marijuana users find that it makes them more focused and attentive. Cannabis causes their mind to calm down and they are more relaxed. They can therefore completely plunge into the practice of. Thanks to this plant, they are better able to get in touch with their inner world and thus achieve full satisfaction from the practice.
Hemp can be very helpful for people who suffer from chronic pain, due to its powerful analgesic effects. Reduce persistent muscle ailments and strains. This helps you focus more on your exercises and will make sitting for longer periods of time more comfortable. Pain relief will also allow you to focus on other aspects of your experience. Others say that cannabis expands their consciousness and makes them more attentive during meditation. Some say it makes them more aware and stronger to feel all sensations. The senses are sharpened, so that they feel more pleasure, for example, from listening to music or the touch of a groupie. Still others say it helps them be kinder and more compassionate to themselves and others.Still others say it improves creativity or insight during meditation.
But these are very individual feelings, and it is important to remember that every body is different. Therefore, cannabis affects everyone in a very personalized and different way.
Reasons why marijuana can harm meditation:
On the other side we have those who argue that marijuana should be avoided during meditation. These individuals report that cannabis has negatively affected their minds. They hindered their meditation by reducing concentration and negatively affected their emotional balance. It is interesting to note that some people claim that marijuana was so good that they used it to take their minds off their real experiences. This could create a cloud of illusion that everything is fine, instead of allowing you to do the hard work of being with things as they are and working through them. These experiences are also in line with today's scientific knowledge. Cannabis is known for its ability to induce euphoria and sometimes to cause problems with concentration, memory and mood.
Why are the experiences of using cannabis in yoga and meditation different?
Cannabis interacts with our body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates aspects of our experience, such as mood, pain, energy, concentration and memory. When this system is balanced and functioning well, adding cannabis can upset the balance. The consequences can be increased anxiety and depression, lack of concentration or excessive euphoria. But a lot of people have cannabinoid deficiencies. Because of this, their ECS system does not work properly, resulting in increased anxiety, depression, pain or concentration problems. The work of the nervous system is disturbed. In the case of these people, the introduction of cannabis seems justified, even advisable. Studies show that people who use cannabis for medicinal purposes tend to have better cognitive abilities and cope better with the hardships of daily life.
Choice of location, and strain of cannabis:
If this is your first time using marijuana while meditating, it is important to create a comfortable and familiar environment. The more control you have over your environment,the more you will feel the joy and satisfaction of the practice. Then choose a variety of cannabis suitable for meditation. It is recommended to use a variety that will not overwhelm you with THC effects. Instead, it is a good idea to use a strain with a high concentration of CBD and CBG. Choose the form of supply that is right for you. The most popular are smoking dried food, vaporization, oil. Inhalation methods give the quickest effect and the best bioavailability, while with oil the effect usually occurs after several minutes.
A season of relaxation
It is important to remember that it can take time to develop good meditation habits. The same goes for using marijuana while meditating. If you want the best results, you should practice yoga systematically, and use cannabis responsibly. Using cannabis during yoga and meditation should be a method of relaxation, allowing you to reach a deeper level of mindfulness. Therefore, before you start "yoga" with cannabis, it is worth considering every aspect outlined above. Cannabis use in yoga and meditation is an individual matter. The way it affects you may be southerly than the feelings of others. The most important thing is to listen to yourself, trust your intuition and enjoy being in the "here and now". In this way, you will fully relax, clear your mind, relax your body and definitely improve the comfort of your life.
1. Dr.. Emily Earlenbaugh, medically proven by Roni Sharon MD "Marijuana and Meditation"
2. Cannabisandgalss "Shoul I meditate on marijuana"
3. Russel Lehmann "Meditating with cannabis".
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