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The art of linking

Date of publication 2023-05-05
Web3/NFT project through which users receive casback in the form of tokens for purchases from subscribed vendors
Date of publication 2023-05-05
The art of linking
mat prasowe

Adrian: What is your response to the needs of the hemp industry?

Maciej Sagal: We have created a solution, a parallel ecosystem for the hemp industry, which will allow us to consolidate the industry in one place in the world. It is an ecosystem because it contains many important and necessary solutions resulting from the problems we previously addressed, and there are many more, and in this rapidly developing industry, there is no similar solution yet. Of course, we also plan to increasingly adapt solutions based on blockchain.

Adrian: How does your idea stand out from what is on the market?

Maciej Sagal: It is an all-in-one solution, both for buyers and sellers offline and online, based on both web3 and "ordinary" solutions. We are not a typical crypto project; we are a solution for the hemp industry. The fact that we are successfully achieving our goals gives us a lot of trust in the industry, and our hemp law has been shown to be the best in the world according to statista.com.

Adrian: Tell us more about the Hubburger system and what opportunities it provides for the industry.
Maciej Sagal: Strong partnerships that translate into financial results, such as Circle K stations, and distribution opportunities for hemp products obtained from our partners.

Adrian: How did you manage to negotiate such a strong deal with CK, considering that it is a global corporation and you are a relatively young project?
Maciej Sagal: We are a young project, but we have been in the industry for a long time, and we are the experts. We are often in the media and even more often give advice to companies that want to enter the industry and have the additional legal protection that what they do is legal. There is a shortage of specialists and knowledge, and above all, product evaluation is invaluable. Our HUBburger project as a whole convinces more and more companies because it is we who take on the risk of legal assessment, legality, and diversification of the assortment available later in the networks. For us, this is a good solution because, from the beginning, we support both sides and fulfill our destiny, which is the hemp HUB, hence the name HUBburger. We have noticed in recent years that there are increasing gaps in the industry. The bigger the industry, the harder it is to verify what is credible and what is not because as we know, everything can be written on the internet. Here, we can verify and sift the truth from falsehood, and this is good for consumers and sellers. Our partners appreciate our expert position and willingly use our advice, knowing that they reduce the risk in this new but not yet clear industry for everyone.

Adrian: Who are your other partners in HUBburger?

Maciej Sagal: Mascotte is also a large and important partner with whom we tie our future. With Mascotte, we want to build greater user awareness and showcase solutions. Let's not forget about our smaller partners for whom HUBburger was created, these are great projects that are doing well in the industry but do not have enough power to break through on a larger cale. By combining many projects under one umbrella and with our capabilities, we show everyone how great and necessary HUBburger is.

Adrian: Do you have any more "big" collaborations / joint projects on the horizon?

Maciej Sagal: We will definitely be opening a hemp studies postgraduate program in cooperation with the University of Natural Sciences in Wrocław. It will be the first official hemp studies program in Europe if not in the world. A book written by Tomek Różański and also published as part of HUBburger will be a textbook for these studies. We shape the scope of knowledge with many prominent scientists of world renown, which will allow us to enter the hemp industry even more broadly into the sphere of science and strengthen our sphere of influence in shaping our hemp industry.

Adrian: What are your expansion plans like?

Maciej Sagal: We have implemented 31 languages, which already allows us to cover more than half of the world in native languages. We have global experience in trade and politics. I have been present in the international arena for over 20 years and I feel good about scaling businesses. I am optimistic because in preparing HUBburger, we analyzed the market needs well, and the unfavorable conditions favor our development because there is no alternative in the global market. We are well prepared for this step. Our tokens and NFTs will also play a very important role in our expansion, which will replace FIATs during trading. The token itself will be issued in 14 months.

Adrian: Why do you want to wait 14 months to release your tokens?

Maciej Sagal: As I mentioned, we are a young project, and we decided to do fundraising through NFTs out of great respect for our investors and the community that wants to participate in our project. A token released at such an early stage is nothing more than a promise on paper with a purely speculative value on which you can make a profit, but the risk of loss is also enormous. In our opinion, releasing tokens that have no real use has no value and therefore is the result of good marketing that does not necessarily translate into long-term value.

Adrian: So where do you get the funding for the project? It seems very advanced and large, with many threads and some of them already developing dynamically at such an early stage.

Maciej Sagal: So far, Liroy and I have mostly funded our HUBburger project personally, mainly because our own technological background allows us to do so. We have had our own software house, KingAPP, for years, which was created specifically to create marketplaces dedicated to the industry because only specialized services have a chance to conquer the world and become leaders. If you do everything like many marketplaces, you don't have a niche, you don't have anything that allows you to stand out and rise to the top. Some time ago, despite the difficult market for NFTs, we started selling our NFTs in presale. All the funds we collected allow us to achieve our goals and show that we are on the right track.

Adrian: Then why NFTs and how is your collection different from others?

Maciej Sagal: In our opinion, we are able to realistically reflect the value in our NFTs in our business. In our opinion, we will be pioneers in the practical application of this technology. An example of this may be an NFT related to the value of a vending machine. We even constructed an appropriate tokenomy for the franchise of such a machine, which distinguishes us both in the blockchain market and especially in the cannabis market.

Adrian: And what do you personally think about the NFT market and its related opportunities?
Maciej Sagal: Personally, I love art and NFTs. So far, most people perceive it that way, and sometimes it's hard to break that stereotype. It's hard to explain that an NFT is a token with a smart contract that is a hallmark of a new era that will definitely replace and complement many business aspects. In our case, NFTs are the key to the safe, the key to many tangible and intellectual utilities. We treat NFTs as a digital bundle of benefits for our investors, securing them many development opportunities along with our project's development.

Adrian: Isn't it too late to enter this market?

Maciej Sagal: The industry is in an excellent moment, with increasing acceptance and slowly more friendly regulations coming into place. We personally want to be a leader in the market but without taking anything away from anyone, and offering many possibilities in exchange for adequate payment. HUBburger is the only solution of its kind in the world, and bringing up such large topics we have already discussed in such an early stage of the project shows that we really have unlimited possibilities. Of course, there will be problems along the way to the top, but we believe that we will solve all of them or adapt to reality. After all, we have a great team of specialists in their field.

Adrian: What are the benefits for buyers of your NFTs?

Maciej Sagal: Let's talk about the benefits in a moment, there are many, so I'll first say about scaling. Scaling for us is a great term because as a HUB, we want to promote all companies in the hemp industry and provide them with technological solutions based on software specifically written for the hemp industry, where we also adapt solutions based on web3. And here we go far beyond tokens and classic NFTs.

Adrian: What is the biggest differentiator in your NFT seed?

Maciej Sagal: Airdrop of 3,150,000 utility tokens.

Adrian: Okay, but there are many projects that give tokens.

Maciej Sagal: Yes, but none of them exchange them for company stocks later, and this is where our advanced tokenomics comes in.

Adrian: Interesting, so in NFT, you have tokens that you will release in 14 months.

Maciej Sagal: Yes, and all utility tokens will be exchangeable for security tokens, which will be shares of our company, so by buying NFT SEED, you will be able to benefit from the right to shares and thus earn with us from education, advertising, machines, and medical marijuana that we plan to grow.

Adrian: Now I understand why it is spread over time.

Maciej Sagal: Everything is in accordance with the law, and we have several stages of development in our company, the first of which is extremely important to accelerate scaling. Of course, the airdrop is just one of many benefits. The next step is to reach our cannabis launchpad, where we will pre-verify projects to allow our NFT holders to enter the project, we will try to support as many projects as possible and create the first real incubator allowing projects to draw on our knowledge and technology, which should translate into greater chances for these projects to be brought to fruition and scaled. I think the industry is so difficult that it is difficult to invest in projects that are not yet understandable today because there is no available knowledge. And here our educational mission starts again, which we will also monetize.

Adrian: How does your NFT relate to education?

Maciej Sagal: We will make money from education; soon, as I mentioned, hemp studies will start, in which the subsidiary of HUBburger has shares as a co-creator with an entity 100% dependent on the agricultural university. Studies are just one of the departments we have in our HUBedu. There, we will consider expanding into many more areas than the courses and training already planned in areas such as crypto, cannabis, and business. In April, we signed an agreement and became a training unit in cooperation with TÜV, the largest certifying unit in the world.

Adrian: I mostly know TÜV from the automotive industry, but it appears in other industries as well. What does TÜV have to do with cannabis?

Maciej Sagal: TÜV allows us to provide training and offers independent exams where participants pay for the course and can obtain valuable certificates from one of the largest independent corporations in the world. Here, again, we are pioneers in this field. Thanks to the implementation of ISO 9001:2015, our registration in the database of training units, and TÜV, we can carry out subsidized training up to 80% from the state, strongly entering the legally established education. This demystifies hemp from the times of bad light and gives us arguments why we are so strong and credible in what we say. Already in less than 4 months, 4 global institutions and corporations have trusted us, and this is just the beginning. By possessing NFT Seed, you will have access to some exclusive or free courses, or at least with a discount. Recently, we had a buyer who took advantage of the option to buy NFT Seed and immediately wanted to take advantage of the priority in negotiating the purchase of vending machines. Of course, everyone who is with us has priority, we reward loyalty from the beginning.

Adrian: There's a lot of talk about reflecting value in the ERC 721 contract. How do you actually deliver value with your NFTs in real life?

Maciej Sagal: For example. We have developed a franchise model for NFTs, where you can buy an NFT and benefit from our distribution model. Our machines bring together many sellers, and we already have nearly 50 of them in Poland, mainly at Circle K stations. For each "NFT BUY" that comes out in 3-4 months, a passive income payout is made through $HBR or FIAT tokens. This model is well-organized because no matter where your machine is located, you have the right to benefit from the weighted average pool, which reduces the risk that your machine will sell less. By creating such a diversified distribution network, we are strongly positioned in the real business world, which is part of HUBburger, and you don't need to have an NFT BUY to benefit from the machines. If you have an NFT seed and plan for the long term, thanks to the tokens exchangeable for company shares, you can be sure that profits will be derived from every HUBburger activity, including those that are not planned for today.

Adrian: What sets the first collection apart from the subsequent ones?

Maciej Sagal: Possible allocations in future NFT collections, again here we have a very developed tokenomics that rewards the first NFT holders and gives them the ability to evaluate and allocate in future collections. For example, the NFT SEED costs 00, and you can but not required to purchase the NFT LEGALIZE for 1.2x the value of the SEED, which gives 00 for the next guaranteed allocation. Each of you knows how to count and understands that in this case, there are 10 NFT legalizes for each NFT seed. If everyone who has a seed buys their guaranteed LEGALIZEs, there will be nothing left for buyers outside of the SEED Holders. A very interesting NFT will be the NFT HEALl, which will reflect 1m2 of cultivation, and to buy it, you will need a combo of NFT SEED and NFT LEGALIZE. Then there is the greatest chance of owning a square meter of THC marijuana cultivation, and that too with fully legal products delivered to pharmacies. We have much more, and I invite you to read our whitepaper.

Adrian: What if NFTs also provided access to special events only for NFT Seed holders, like I have in the Bored Ape Club?

Maciej Sagal: We have something like that in our project. In our industry, community is the most important thing, and we will promote these benefits more and more widely. At the moment, we haven't even minted the NFTs yet, and the first holders have already had the opportunity to attend a festival as VIPs in lodges with stars of the Polish show business. And it was completely free. The value of the NFT will increase here, as we develop more and more, the greater the demand for the value that comes from additional networking, etc.

Adrian: What else will you surprise us with, as I already see huge potential in the project and its well-thought-out tokenomics?

Maciej Sagal: We also plan a special panel in our system just for our NFT holders to enjoy discounts on products and services, the right of first refusal, and many exclusive opportunities to influence our project. We also anticipate that after the sale of the NFT Seed, one of the holders will be selected to become a member of the supervisory board to support and protect the interests of shareholders and investors. Probably, we will build an excellent DAO here. We will give our shareholders up to 20% of our company, making us the first real business project to dive so deeply into crypto.

Adrian: Would you like to summarize our conversation in any way?

Maciej Sagal: Buy our NFTs and take the opportunity to enter the hemp industry. Perhaps most transactions will take place on HB, and therefore we will jointly benefit from each of them.

When is mint from NFT?

9 Mai is the important date for us and the cannabis industry

The art of linking

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