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Biomass first

Monika Sobczak
Monika Sobczak
Date of publication 2023-02-14
Hemp has huge energy potential. Many experts stress the fact that hemp biomass is our future!
Monika Sobczak
Monika Sobczak
Date of publication 2023-02-14
Biomass first
pic. Antoni Shkraba/pexels.com

The global energy crisis
The whole world is currently facing an energy crisis, the effects of which will be felt for many years to come. The International Energy Agency (IEA) stresses that the current crisis is unprecedented in many respects. It also predicts that consequences are to be expected in the form of uncertainty in the market until at least the end of 2023. The coming months and years are also very pessimistic about the recently published annual report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), writing of an unfolding global crisis the likes of which has not been seen before. It should be added that the energy crisis has a huge impact on a number of other issues. High natural gas prices follow a shortage of fertilizer. This directly strains the aspect of food security. The IEA reports that global soybean, corn, wheat and rice crops could decline by 2% in 2023.

The energy crisis has a very significant impact on the worsening climate crisis.
The current situation perfectly shows that the whole world is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. According to the opinion of scientists, this must be changed as soon as possible, so that the darkest scenario of global warming does not come true. Let me remind you that an increase in average global temperature of more than 1.5°C means rising sea levels, extreme weather events, the extinction of many species and the disappearance of natural habitats. In addition, food shortages and increased poverty for millions of people around the world. The 2015 Paris Agreement is a landmark response by countries around the world to climate change. However, many countries and companies are still doing too little in this direction, forgetting the essence of the problem.

Biomass what is it?
Hemp has huge energy potential. Many experts stress the fact that hemp biomass is our future. Biomass is a completely biodegradable solid or liquid substance of plant or animal origin. Biomass is obtained from products, wastes and residues from agricultural and forestry production, as well as industries that process their products. This can also include municipal and industrial waste. So we can see that it is an extremely cheap fuel that is also safe for the environment. Although biomass can be a domestic fully renewable and stable source of energy, it is still not used to its proper extent. It is this that should be the foundation of Poland's energy transition.

Hemp biomass
Hemp is gaining popularity in various industries. We are starting to see growing demand in the paper, food, cosmetics, packaging, and building materials industries. After harvesting hemp flowers, biomass remains, consisting of stalks and leaves, which can be used completely. So, hemp one of the few plants that can be used in its entirety. Hemp biomass has many advantages and its production is fully justified economically as well as ecologically.

Growing hemp is relatively simple and undemanding. They can be grown virtually anywhere and in any conditions and the yields are abundant. Hemp reaches full maturity in as little as three to four months, and after this period, the specific method of harvesting the crop is selected (depending on its further use). Post-harvest residues are usually destined for biomass. The use of proper agrotechnology ensures proper plant development and high biomass yields of approx.. 10-15 t/ha. Hemp reaches heights of more than 2.5 m and even 3.0 m. Unlike perennial energy crops, hemp can easily be introduced into crop rotation.

Benefits of growing hemp biomass
Seed hemp, due to its large amount of biomass and well-developed root system, was used as a plant to accelerate soil reclamation processes in areas after an open pit lignite mine in the Kazimierz Biskupi municipality. The results of this project indisputably indicated the possibility of obtaining hemp biomass from plants sown on reclaimed land. Reclamation involves growing hemp in rotation with alfalfa and then plowing the resulting biomass to accelerate the restoration of the humus layer in the soil.

Burning hemp shives produces more energy than burning wood, this makes them a great biomass material. It turns out that hemp shavings have the highest energy yield of all primary agricultural products. One hectare of hemp crop can yield up to 15 tons of dry matter. This makes hemp an alternative to any renewable energy source, even to forests. Hemp also tends to absorb a lot of carbon dioxide - 1 hectare of the crop absorbs more than 2.5 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere during the growing season.. Growing hemp for energy would therefore also have a beneficial effect on nature.

According to the provisions of Poland's 2005 Anti-Drug Law, only waste material generated in the process of fiber extraction can be used for energy purposes [Dz.U.. 2005 No 179 pos.. 1485]. In the process of briquetting shive, it has been proven that this waste glues itself together under the influence of natural plant substances and high pressure. This is extremely beneficial, as it does not need to use chemical additives that affect the unit energy yield and generate additional costs.

Interestingly, until recently, these industries did not include energy, making it difficult to use hemp biomass. Fortunately, the list of industries was expanded last year, offering tremendous potential to use hemp for this purpose.

Energy efficiency of hemp biomass
However, the yield of hemp, although an impressive 10-15 tons per hectare, is less than that of some other energy crops. Nonetheless, it is competitive to them due to its higher heat of combustion value. In addition, carbon dioxide emissions are significantly lower compared to the emissions of burning e.g.. wheat straw or miscanthus. Another important feature is that hemp is much better suited to growing in our Polish climate.
Already in 2018, scientists from the Wroclaw University of Technology conducted research on selected energy crops, including hemp.

The results of this research were very promising and confirm the following:
- During the processing of hemp straw, about 25 percent is obtained. fiber and 75 percent. sharps.
- The heat of combustion of hemp, depending on the part of the plant, is 18 to 19 MJ/kg dry weight
- The highest value can be obtained from hemp panicles - 19.8 MJ/kg dry weight.
- Hemp shavings, on the other hand, have a heat of combustion that is about 5 percent lower. relative to whole plants
- Hemp has also been proven to absorb more than twice as much carbon dioxide during growth as it releases through combustion.

It further stated that:
- A favorable option for hemp biomass is pelletization, which produces a homogeneous, lightweight material with increased bulk density and a calorific value of 20.3 MJ/kg;
- Hemp, compared to other plants, has a high content of volatile parts, making it ideal for gasification processing.
- Volatile parts are emitted at 340-390 st. C, which brings hemp in this category closer to the result achieved by lignite.

Green applications
The cultivation of fiber hemp could be a future way of obtaining raw material in many industries.
- The cultivation of these plants is very ecological and relieves the burden on the environment.
- It avoids the costs associated with the purchase of fertilizers and weed killers.
- Hemp crops used in crop rotation create excellent conditions for the growth of other plants.
- They make a significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions.
- They are an excellent alternative to energy crops, as they have high annual biomass growth, have high energy value, and do not require a lot of plantation maintenance.

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Monika Sobczak
Monika Sobczak



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